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现行 AA TEAL-1-2018
Teal Sheets - International Alloy Designations and Chemical Composition Limits for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys 柚木板材.锻铝和锻铝合金的国际合金名称和化学成分限值
发布日期: 2018-08-01
AA TEAL-1-2018:本注册记录是世界范围内许多标准和规范中引用的锻铝和锻铝合金的名称和化学成分限制的定义来源。本版新增了20种新合金名称、相关化学成分限值和标称密度,以及新失活合金的信息。其他信息包括以前注册但目前未激活的合金名称清单、未激活原始合金的化学成分限制、锻造铝和锻造铝合金国际命名体系协议声明以及协议签署国清单。
AA TEAL-1-2018: This registration record is the defining source for the designations and chemical composition limits for wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys referenced in a number of standards and specifications worldwide.New in this edition is information on 20 new alloy designations, their associated chemical composition limits and nominal densities, along with new newly deactivated alloy. Other information includes a list of previously registered but currently inactive alloy designations, chemical composition limits of inactive original alloys, the Declaration of Accord on an International Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys and a list of the Signatories to the Accord.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国铝协会