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现行 ASTM B950-23
Standard Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Copper and Copper Alloys 铜和铜合金产品规范的编辑程序和形式的标准指南
发布日期: 2023-10-01
1.1 本指南涵盖了ASTM委员会B05关于铜和铜合金的管辖范围内产品规范的编辑程序、形式和风格。 注1: 有关产品规范以外的标准,如测试方法、实践和指南,请参阅ASTM标准的形式和样式(蓝皮书)的相应章节。 2. 1.2 本指南是对当前版本的《形式和样式手册》的补充,适用于ASTM委员会B05中关于铜和铜合金的小组委员会。本指南将与《形式和风格手册》一起使用。附录包含B05电子模板的副本,其中包括各个章节采用的语言,并提供了起草B05产品规范的模板。 注2: 本指南的内容以前作为白皮书保存,标题为“ASTM委员会B05规范形式大纲” 1.3 制定新产品规范或修订现有规范的小组委员会应遵循本文所述的实践和程序,并以涵盖类似商品的最新规范为指导。 1.4 如果本指南与当前版本的《形式和样式手册》的强制性章节之间存在冲突,则以《形式和风格手册》的要求为准。如果本指南与当前版本的《形式与风格手册》的非重要部分之间存在冲突,则以本指南为准。 1.5 当涉及专利时,规范编写者应参考《形式和风格手册》中关于专利和商标的部分。 此外,有关商标信息和安全隐患警告,请参阅《形式和风格手册》的F部分。 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ===意义和用途====== 4.1 ASTM标准的形式和样式手册提供了ASTM规范编制和内容的强制性要求和推荐做法。为了促进其管辖范围内产品规范的风格和内容的一致性,B05委员会认识到有必要提供一份与其管辖范围内规范所涵盖的产品和材料类型有关的补充文件。 4.2 本指南包含了铜和铜合金规范中应考虑的章节列表、此类章节的建议措辞或两者兼有。附录中包含了一个电子模板,其中包括委员会采用的语言。 7. 4.3 在B05委员会的管辖下,起草新产品规范或修改现有产品规范的人员应遵循本指南和《形式和风格手册》的要求,以确保一致性。
1.1 This guide covers the editorial procedures and form and style for product specifications under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys. Note 1: For standards other than product specifications, such as test methods, practices, and guides, see the appropriate sections of Form and Style for ASTM Standards (Blue Book). 2 1.2 This guide has been prepared as a supplement to the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, and is appropriate for use by the subcommittees within ASTM Committee B05 on Copper and Copper Alloys. This guide is to be applied in conjunction with the Form and Style Manual. The Appendix contains a copy of the B05 electronic template which includes adopted language for various sections and provides a template for drafting B05 product specifications. Note 2: The contents of this guide were previously maintained as a white paper under the title, “ASTM Committee B05 Outline of Form of Specifications.” 1.3 Subcommittees preparing new product specifications or revising existing ones should follow the practices and procedures outlined herein, and be guided by the latest specifications covering similar commodities. 1.4 If a conflict exists between this guide and the mandatory sections of the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, the Form and Style Manual requirements have precedence. If a conflict exists between this guide and the nonmandatory sections of the current edition of the Form and Style Manual, this guide has precedence. 1.5 When patents are involved, the specifications writer should refer to the Form and Style Manual section on patents and trademarks. Also, refer to part F of the Form and Style Manual for trademark information and the safety hazards caveat. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 The Form and Style for ASTM Standards manual provides mandatory requirements and recommended practices for the preparation and content of ASTM specifications. In order to promote consistency in the style and content of product specifications under its jurisdiction, Committee B05 recognizes the need to provide a supplementary document pertaining to the types of products and materials covered by specifications under its jurisdiction. 4.2 This guide contains a list of sections to be considered for inclusion in a specification for copper and copper alloys, recommended wording, or both, for such sections. An electronic template including committee adopted language is included in the Appendix. 7 4.3 Persons drafting new product specifications, or modifying existing ones, under the jurisdiction of Committee B05, should follow this guide and the requirements of the Form and Style Manual to ensure consistency.
归口单位: B05.91