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现行 ISO 19905-3:2021
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units — Part 3: Floating units 石油和天然气工业.移动式海上装置的现场特定评估.第3部分:浮动装置
发布日期: 2021-03-03
本文件规定了石油和天然气行业使用的移动式浮动装置特定地点评估的要求和建议。它解决了在特定地点的有人驾驶非疏散、有人驾驶疏散和无人驾驶移动浮动装置的安装阶段。 本文件涉及单体船的移动浮动装置(例如船形船只或驳船);柱稳定型,通常称为半潜式;或其它船体形式(例如圆柱形/圆锥形)。它不适用于张力腿平台。位置保持可以通过系泊系统、推进器辅助系泊系统或动态定位来提供。该装置的功能可以是广泛的,包括钻井、浮动、招标辅助等。在生产烃的情况下,可能存在额外的要求。本文件并未涉及所有场地考虑因素,某些特定地点可能需要额外评估。 本文件仅适用于结构完好且维护良好的移动浮动装置,通常通过持有有效的RCS入级证书来证明。 本文件不涉及设计、往返现场的运输或现场的安装和拆除。 本文件规定了特定地点评估的要求,但通常依赖其他文件来提供如何进行评估的详细信息。一般而言: -ISO 19901?参考图7用于评估站位保持系统; -ISO 19904?参考1来确定气象海洋作用对装置的影响; -北极和寒冷地区参考ISO 19906;-船体结构和气隙是通过对特定地点的气象海洋条件与其设计条件进行比较来评估的,如RCS批准的操作手册中所述; -ISO 13624?1和ISO/TR 13624?2[1]用于评估移动式浮式钻井装置的海洋钻井隔水管。可以使用等效的替代方法; -IMCA M 220用于制定特定活动的操作指南。可以使用商定的替代方法。 注RCS规则和IMO MODU规则[13]为移动式浮动装置的设计和一般操作提供了指导。
This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the site-specific assessment of mobile floating units for use in the petroleum and natural gas industries. It addresses the installed phase, at a specific site, of manned non-evacuated, manned evacuated and unmanned mobile floating units. This document addresses mobile floating units that are monohull (e.g. ship-shaped vessels or barges); column-stabilized, commonly referred to as semi-submersibles; or other hull forms (e.g. cylindrical/conical shaped). It is not applicable to tension leg platforms. Stationkeeping can be provided by a mooring system, a thruster assisted mooring system, or dynamic positioning. The function of the unit can be broad, including drilling, floatel, tender assist, etc. In situations where hydrocarbons are being produced, there can be additional requirements. This document does not address all site considerations, and certain specific locations can require additional assessment. This document is applicable only to mobile floating units that are structurally sound and adequately maintained, which is normally demonstrated through holding a valid RCS classification certificate. This document does not address design, transportation to and from site, or installation and removal from site. This document sets out the requirements for site-specific assessments, but generally relies on other documents to supply the details of how the assessments are to be undertaken. In general: — ISO 19901?7 is referenced for the assessment of the stationkeeping system; — ISO 19904?1 is referenced to determine the effects of the metocean actions on the unit; — ISO 19906 is referenced for arctic and cold regions; — the hull structure and air gap are assessed by use of a comparison between the site-specific metocean conditions and its design conditions, as set out in the RCS approved operations manual; — ISO 13624?1 and ISO/TR 13624?2[1] are referenced for the assessment of the marine drilling riser of mobile floating drilling units. Equivalent alternative methodologies can be used; — IMCA M 220 is referenced for developing an activity specific operating guidelines. Agreed alternative methodologies can be used. NOTE RCS rules and the IMO MODU code[13] provide guidance for design and general operation of mobile floating units.
归口单位: ISO/TC 67/SC 7
ISO 22974-2023
Petroleum and natural gas industry — Pipeline transportation systems — Pipeline integrity assessment specification
ISO/TR 19905-2-2012
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units — Part 2: Jack-ups commentary and detailed sample calculation
石油和天然气工业——移动式海上装置的现场特定评估SPART 2:自升式平台注释和详细的样本计算
DIN EN ISO 19905-3
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 3: Floating unit (ISO 19905-3:2017); English version EN ISO 19905-3:2019
石油和天然气工业.移动式海上装置的现场特定评估.第3部分:浮动装置(ISO 19905-3-2017);英语版本EN ISO 19905-3:2019
Draft Document - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 1: Jack-ups (ISO/DIS 19905-1:2022); English version prEN ISO 19905-1:2022
文件草案石油和天然气工业移动式海上装置的现场特定评估第1部分:自升式平台;英文版prEN ISO 19905-1:2022
DIN EN ISO 19905-1
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 1: Jack-ups (ISO 19905-1:2016); English version EN ISO 19905-1:2016, only on CD-ROM
石油和天然气工业.移动式海上装置的现场特定评估.第1部分:自升式平台(ISO 19905-1-2016);英语版EN ISO 19905-1:2016 仅CD-ROM
DIN CEN ISO/TR 19905-2
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 2: Jack-ups commentary and detailed sample calculation (ISO/TR 19905-2:2012); English version CEN ISO/TR 19905-2:2013, only on CD-ROM
石油和天然气工业.移动式海上装置的现场特定评估.第2部分:自升式平台注释和详细样本计算(ISO/TR 19905-2-2012);英文版CEN ISO/TR 19905-2:2013 仅CD-ROM