Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and interpretation2.Amendments to the Act3.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Termination of Licences) Regulations 19764.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 19835.Consumer Credit (Guarantees and Indemnities) Regulations 19836.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Cancellation Notices and Copies of Documents) Regulations 19837.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Repayment of Credit on Cancellation) Regulations 19838.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Settlement Information) Regulations 19839.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Conduct of Business) (Pawn Records) Regulations 198310.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Pawn Receipts) Regulations 198311.Amendments to the Consumer Credit (Realisation of Pawn) Regulations 198312.Amendment to the Consumer Credit (Running Account Information) Regulations 1983SignatureExplanatory Note