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现行 AWWA JAW10543
Journal AWWA - Coliforms in a Water Distribution System: A Remedial Approach AWWA期刊-配水系统中的大肠菌群:补救方法
发布日期: 1983-11-01
1982年,在伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德系统的标准膜过滤试验中,非大肠菌群的发病率惊人地增加。这表明细菌可能存在问题,随后水管中出现大肠菌群感染。采取了密集措施,控制水处理过程和配水系统中的细菌生长,最终目标是防止耐氯生物在系统中重新播种。本文讨论了为消除这一问题而采取的措施,包括:对来水原水加氯;铁凝固剂的使用;停止氨气供给;向混合池中添加高锰酸钾; 石灰投料量增加;冲洗配电系统八天;以及样本监测。包括17个参考文献、表格、图表。
In 1982 the incidence of noncoliform colonies increased alarmingly in the standard membrane filter tests of samples from the Springfield, Illinois system. This signaled a potential problem with bacteria and was followed by coliform infestation in the water mains. Intensive measures were taken to control bacterial growth in the water treatment process and in the distribution system, with an ultimate goal of preventing the reseeding of the system by chlorine-resistant organisms. This paper discusses action taken to eliminate this problem, including: chlorine application to incoming raw water; use of iron coagulant; discontinuation of ammonia feed; addition of potassium permanganate to mixing basin; increased feed rate of lime; flushing of the distribution system for eight days; and sample monitoring. Includes 17 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会