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现行 IEC TS 61973:2012+AMD1:2019 CSV
High voltage direct current (HVDC) substation audible noise 高压直流(HVDC)变电站可听噪声
发布日期: 2019-05-09
IEC TS 61973:2012+A1:2019适用于高压直流(HVDC)变电站室外可听噪声的规范和评估。它主要供负责发布新高压直流输电项目技术规范并评估潜在承包商提出的设计的公用事业公司和顾问使用。它主要用于具有线路换相转换器的HVDC项目。本技术规范的一部分也可用于使用电压源变流器的HVDC项目和柔性交流。输电系统(FACTS)设备,例如静态无功补偿器(SVC)和静态同步补偿器(STATCOM)。该合并版本由第一版(2012年)及其修正案1(2019年)组成。因此,除本出版物外,无需下令修订。
IEC TS 61973:2012+A1:2019 applies to the specification and evaluation of outdoor audible noise from high voltage direct current (HVDC) substations. It is intended to be primarily for the use of the utilities and consultants who are responsible for issuing technical specifications for new HVDC projects with and evaluating designs proposed by prospective contractors. It is primarily intended for HVDC projects with line-commutated converters. Part of this technical specification can also be used for the same purpose for HVDC projects using voltage sourced converters, and for flexible a.c. transmission systems (FACTS) devices such as static Var compensators (SVCs) and static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs). This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2012) and its amendment 1 (2019). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
归口单位: TC 115