Apparatus with one or more particular functions for connection to public switched telephone networks run by certain public telecommunications operators-Specification for general requirements
具有一个或多个特定功能的设备 用于连接某些公共电信运营商运营的公共交换电话网络 一般要求规范
Requirements for added facilities on telephones and data modems for connection as subscribers' apparatus to exclusive lines of the PSTN. Lists the facilities specified in the other parts of the standard and requires the supplier to state which are relevant to an apparatus submitted for approval.Cross References:BS 6301BS 6305BS 6317BS 6320BS 6789:Part 2BS 6789:Part 3BS 6789:Part 4BS 6789:Part 5BS 6789:Part 6BS 6789:Part 7British Telecommunications Act 1981