BS EN 15887. Building hardware. Uncontrolled Door Closing Devices for single action doors. Requirements and test methods
英国标准EN 15887 建筑硬件 单作用门的非受控关门装置 要求和试验方法
交叉引用:EN 1154EN 1634-1EN 1670EN 1155EN 10305-5EN 14600EN ISO 9001:2000ISO 9001:2000DIN 18264DIN 18265DIN 18272ANSI/BHMA A 156.17-2004EN 1935购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:EN 1154EN 1634-1EN 1670EN 1155EN 10305-5EN 14600EN ISO 9001:2000ISO 9001:2000DIN 18264DIN 18265DIN 18272ANSI/BHMA A 156.17-2004EN 1935All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.