Specification for audiovisual, video and television equipment and systems-Methods for specifying and measuring the performance characteristics of audio-learning systems
视听、视频和电视设备及系统规范 音频学习系统性能特性的规定和测量方法
A survey of the functions available in audio-learning systems of various types and defines the methods of measurement and requirements for characteristics affecting the performance.Cross References:BS 415BS 2011BS 4847BS 5775BS 5817:Part 2BS 5817:Part 3BS 5817:Part 4BS 5817:Part 7BS 5817:Part 8BS 5817:Part 10BS 5942:Part 4BS 6217BS 6288:Part 3BS 6288:Part 7BS 6840:Part 2BS 6840:Part 3BS 6840:Part 4BS 6840:Part 11BS 6840:Part 15IEC 268-7