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现行 AWWA ACE93123
Use of Scattered Light Fluctuations to Monitor Coagulation Dynamics with Aluminum Sulfate 利用散射光波动监测硫酸铝混凝动力学
发布日期: 1993-01-01
最近,一种简单、灵敏的技术被开发出来,用于监测颗粒悬浮液的聚集状态。这项技术涉及测量流动悬浮液中的透射光(浊度)波动。使用这种方法,可以用流动检测器连续测定凝固过程中形成的聚集体的相对尺寸,用“凝固指数”表示。该技术已成功应用于研究各种聚合物混凝剂对稀释和浓缩颗粒悬浮液的混凝动力学。本研究的目的是证明使用这种光学技术连续监测硫酸铝(明矾)颗粒聚集的动力学。从浊度波动测量中获得的数据可以对水解金属盐混凝剂的颗粒混凝机理提供有价值的见解。 此外,研究还表明,使用这种光学监测器进行测量有助于选择最佳混凝剂剂量。
Recently, a simple, sensitive technique has been developed to monitor the state of aggregation of particle suspensions. This technique involves the measurement of transmitted light (turbidity) fluctuations in flowing suspension. With this method, the relative size of aggregates formed during the coagulation process, expressed as a "coagulation index," can be determined continuously with a flow-through detector. The technique has been successfully applied to study the dynamics of coagulation of dilute and concentrated particle suspensions by various polymeric coagulants. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the use of this optical technique for continuous monitoring of the dynamics of particle aggregation with aluminum sulfate (alum). Data obtained from turbidity fluctuation measurements can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of particle coagulation with hydrolyzing metal salt coagulants. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that measurements with this optical monitor can assist in selecting optimal coagulant dose.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会