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现行 EN 14662-2:2005
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 2 : Pumped sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography 环境空气质量 - 测量苯浓度的标准方法 - 第2部分:抽样 然后进行溶剂解吸和气相色谱
发布日期: 2005-05-18
实施日期: 2005-05-18
EN 14662的这一部分符合环境空气中苯测定的通用方法[1],目的是将测量结果与限期值与一年参考期进行比较。 EN 14662的这一部分通过抽取采样,溶剂解吸和毛细管气相色谱法对空气中苯的取样和分析提供了一般指导。 EN 14662的这一部分适用于在1 m3体积的空气样品中测量浓度范围约为0.5μg/ m3至50mg/m3的苯,通常在24小时内收集。 有用范围的上限由吸附剂的吸附容量和气相色谱柱和检测器的线性动态范围或所用分析仪器的样品分离能力决定。有用范围的下限取决于检测器的噪声水平以及吸附剂和解吸溶剂中苯和/或干扰人为因素的空白水平。 这里描述的方法是基于通常含有100mg活性炭和使用二硫化碳解吸的样品管上的取样。 可以使用活性炭的替代吸附剂,只要其性能特征的等效性即可
This part of EN 14662 is in accordance with the generic methodology for the determination of benzene in ambient air [1] for the purpose of comparison of measurement results with limit values with a one-year reference period. This part of EN 14662 gives general guidance for the sampling and analysis of benzene in air by pumped sampling, solvent desorption and capillary gas chromatography. This part of EN 14662 is valid for the measurement of benzene in a concentration range of approximately 0,5 µg/m3 to 50 mg/m3 in an air sample of 1 m3 volume, typically collected over a period of 24 hours. The upper limit of the useful range is set by the sorptive capacity of the sorbent and by the linear dynamic range of the gas chromatograph column and detector or by the sample splitting capability of the analytical instrumentation used. The lower limit of the useful range depends on the noise level of the detector and on blank levels of benzene and/or interfering artefacts on the sorbent and in the desorption solvent. The method described here is based on sampling on sample tubes typically containing 100 mg of activated charcoal and desorption using carbon disulphide. Alternative sorbents to activated charcoal may be used provided that the equivalence in performance characteristics of the procedure is demonstrated. Alternative desorption solvents to carbon disulphide may be used provided that the equivalence in performance characteristics of the procedure is demonstrated.
归口单位: CEN/TC 264-
BS EN 14662-5-2005
Ambient air quality. Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations-Diffusive sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
环境空气质量 苯浓度测量的标准方法 扩散取样 然后进行溶剂解吸和气相色谱
EN 14662-4-2005
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 4: Diffusive sampling followed by thermal desorption and gas chromatography
环境空气质量 - 测定苯浓度的标准方法 - 第4部分:扩散取样 然后进行热解吸和气相色谱
UNE-EN 14662-2-2006
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 2 : Pumped sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
UNE-EN 14662-5-2006
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 5: Diffusive sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
DIN EN 14662-2
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 2: Pumped sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
环境空气质量.苯浓度测量的标准方法.第2部分:溶剂解吸和气相色谱后的泵送取样;德文版EN 14662-2:2005
DIN EN 14662-5
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 5: Diffusive sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
环境空气质量.苯浓度测量的标准方法.第5部分:溶剂解吸和气相色谱后的扩散取样;德文版EN 14662-5:2005
EN 14662-5-2005
Ambient air quality - Standard method for measurement of benzene concentrations - Part 5: Diffusive sampling followed by solvent desorption and gas chromatography
环境空气质量 - 测定苯浓度的标准方法 - 第5部分:溶剂脱附和气相色谱法进行扩散取样