Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring-Diagnostic techniques for electric motors
机器的状态监测和诊断 振动状态监测
BS ISO 13373-9:2017规定了对各类电机进行振动诊断时应考虑的程序。本文件涵盖的四种电机类型为鼠笼式感应电机、绕线转子感应电机、凸极电机和直流电机。本文件主要适用于功率大于15 kW的电机。本文件旨在供状态监测从业者、工程师和技术人员使用,并提供一种基于振动的实用逐步故障诊断方法。此外,它还提供了一系列机器和部件类型及其相关故障症状的示例。
在某些情况下,本文件中介绍的程序可应用于其他类型的电机,如发电机,但本文件中可能不包括与此类电机相关的其他特定技术。使用非振动量(如电压和电流)来识别和分析电机中与振动相关的故障不在本文件的范围内。交叉引用:IEC 60050ISO 20958:2013 ED1ISO 13372:2012ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 21940-2:2017VDI 3839ISO 7919ISO 21940ISO 10816ISO 20816ISO 13373-
2:2016ISO 13379-1:2012ISO 13373-3:2015ISO 17359:2011 Ed 2ISO 20958:2013 ED1ISO 13373-1:2002ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 13372:2012IEC 60034-14:2003购买本文件时可提供的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS ISO 13373-9:2017 specifies procedures to be considered when carrying out vibration diagnostics of various types of electric motors. The four motor types covered by this document are squirrel-cage induction, wound-rotor induction, salient-pole and DC motors.This document is mostly applicable to motors with power above 15 kW.This document is intended to be used by condition monitoring practitioners, engineers and technicians and provides a practical step-by-step vibration-based approach to fault diagnosis. In addition, it gives a number of examples for a range of machine and component types and their associated fault symptoms.The procedures presented in this document can, in some cases, be applied to other types of electrical machines, such as generators, but there can be other specific techniques associated with such machines that are not included in this document.The use of non-vibration quantities, such as voltage and current, to identify and analyse vibration-related faults in electric motors is outside the scope of this document.Cross References:IEC 60050ISO 20958:2013 ED1ISO 13372:2012ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 21940-2:2017VDI 3839ISO 7919ISO 21940ISO 10816ISO 20816ISO 13373-2:2016ISO 13379-1:2012ISO 13373-3:2015ISO 17359:2011 Ed 2ISO 20958:2013 ED1ISO 13373-1:2002ISO 2041:2009 Ed 3ISO 13372:2012IEC 60034-14:2003All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.