Water quality. Determination of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in whole water samples. Method using solid phase extraction (SPE) with SPE-disks combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
水质 全水样中选定多环芳烃(PAH)的测定 固相萃取(SPE)结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)的方法
BS EN 16691:2015规定了测定7种多环芳烃的方法
用于分析悬浮颗粒物(SPM)含量高达500 mg/l的地表水中的多环芳烃
适用于其他多环芳烃,前提是该方法已针对每种多环芳烃进行验证。交叉引用:EN ISO 1042ISO 1042EN ISO 3696ISO 3696EN ISO 5667-1ISO 5667-1EN ISO 5667-3ISO 5667-3EN 15527EN ISO 17993ISO 17993EN ISO 22892ISO 22892ISO 5725-2ISO 6107-2ISO 7981-1ISO 7981-2ISO 8466-1ISO/TS 13530ISO 28540ISO/TS 28581NEN 7777+C1:20122000/60/EC2008/105/EC2009/90/EC2013/39/EUSANCO/12571/2013购买本产品时可提供的所有当前修订版均包含在本产品中文件
BS EN 16691:2015 specifies a method for the determination of 7 polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH) in whole water samples listed in Table 1. The method uses solid-phase disk
extraction with SPE-disks followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It is applicable
to the analysis of PAHs in surface water containing suspended particulate matter (SPM) up to 500 mg/l
(whole water samples), drinking water and groundwater.The lower and upper limit of the working range depends on the matrix, on the specific compound to be
analyzed and on the sensitivity of the mass spectrometric detection unit. The limit of quantification
(LOQ) determined in the validation is given in Table 1. The upper limit of the working range is
approximately 2 000 ng/l.This method is, with some modifications suitable for the analysis of waste water. This method is
applicable to other PAH, provided the method is validated for each PAH.Cross References:EN ISO 1042ISO 1042EN ISO 3696ISO 3696EN ISO 5667-1ISO 5667-1EN ISO 5667-3ISO 5667-3EN 15527EN ISO 17993ISO 17993EN ISO 22892ISO 22892ISO 5725-2ISO 6107-2ISO 7981-1ISO 7981-2ISO 8466-1ISO/TS 13530ISO 28540ISO/TS 28581NEN 7777+C1:20122000/60/EC2008/105/EC2009/90/EC2013/39/EUSANCO/12571/2013All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.