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现行 KC-84-07-4
Algorithms for Performance Simulation of Cooling Towers, Evaporative Condenser, and Fluid Coolers 冷却塔、蒸发式冷凝器和流体冷却器的性能模拟算法
本文介绍了三种已开发的计算机算法,用于对三种蒸发冷却换热器类型(冷却塔、流体冷却器和冷凝器)进行额定值计算。它们对于在非设计条件下对商用热交换器进行评级特别有用。特定热交换器的传热传质“特征方程”是根据制造商在设计点的额定数据推导出来的。该算法能够预测任何天气或工艺条件下的热交换容量。它们还允许评估特定操作条件下气流变化对风扇功率的影响。使用这些算法进行的模拟表明,他们能够在制造商额定数据的3%范围内预测热负荷。 本文包含计算机程序和用户说明的列表。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,1984年,第90卷,pt。密苏里州堪萨斯城2B
This paper describes three computer algorithms that have been developed to perform rating calculations of three evaporatively cooled heat exchanger types -cooling towers, fluid coolers and condensers. They are particularly useful for rating commercially available heat exchangers at off-design conditions. The heat and mass transfer "characteristic equation" of a particular heat exchanger is derived from the manufacturer's rating data at the design point. The algorithms are capable of predicting the heat exchange capacity at any weather or process condition. They also allow one to assess the effect of changes in the air flow on fan power, for specified operating conditions. Simulations using the algorithms showed that they were able to predict the heat duty within 3 percent of the manufacturer's rating data. This paper contains listings of the computer programs and user instructions.
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