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现行 ASTM D7458-21
Standard Test Method for Determination of Beryllium in Soil and Sediment Using Ammonium Bifluoride Extraction and Fluorescence Detection 用氟化氢铵萃取和荧光检测法测定土壤和沉积物中铍的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2021-09-01
1.1 本试验方法用于测定土壤和沉积物样品中的铍。该测试方法可用于环境修复项目,其中铍是一种令人担忧的污染物。它还可用于表征铍在采矿或制造应用场所土壤中的铍水平,以及测定土壤中铍的背景水平。 1.2 本试验方法假设使用适当和适用的方法收集土壤或沉积物样品。 1.3 本试验方法包括在稀氟化氢铵中萃取(溶解)铍的程序,然后使用铍分析萃取溶液的小份- 特定荧光染料。 1.4 对于500 mg样品,工作范围的下限约为0.04 mg Be/kg(5×稀释)或0.1 mg Be/kg(20×稀释)。工作范围延伸至至少500 mg Be/kg的浓度。 1.5 由于适用荧光测量仪器的不同品牌和型号之间存在差异,因此未提供详细的操作说明。相反,分析员应遵循特定仪器制造商提供的说明。本试验方法不涉及不同装置的比较精度或相同品牌和型号仪器之间的精度。 1.6 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。 本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.7 所有观察值和计算值应符合实践中确定的有效数字和舍入准则 D6026 . 1.7.1 为了将测量值或计算值与规定限值进行比较,应将测量值或计算值四舍五入到规定限值中有效数字的最近小数点。 1.7.2 本标准中用于规定如何收集/记录或计算数据的程序被视为行业标准。此外,它们代表了通常应保留的有效数字。使用的程序不考虑材料变化、获取数据的目的、特殊目的研究或用户目标的任何考虑因素; 通常的做法是增加或减少报告数据的有效位数,以与这些考虑因素相称。考虑工程数据分析方法中使用的有效数字超出了本标准的范围。 1.8 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.9 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 接触铍可能导致潜在致命疾病,已制定空气和表面铍的职业接触限值,以降低潜在受影响工人的接触风险 ( 1. , 2. ) . 5. 在涉及铍污染的环境修复项目中,测量土壤和沉积物等基质中的铍非常重要 ( 3. ) 以及在可能使用人为铍的地点确定铍的背景水平 ( 2. , 4- 6. ) . 为了应对暴露评估和风险降低方面的挑战,需要铍的采样和分析方法。需要采用采样和分析方法,如本试验方法中所述的程序,以促进铍的测量,该测量可作为修复项目管理和人类健康保护的基础。 5.2 该测试方法可用于环境修复项目,其中铍是一种令人担忧的污染物。它还可用于表征铍在采矿或制造应用场所土壤中的铍水平,以及测定土壤中铍的背景水平。 5.3 本试验方法的量化极限随稀释系数而变化(见 13.6.1 ). 对于含有赖氨酸的检测溶液,检测限为0.013 mg铍/kg样品,基于0.5 g样品 ( 7. ) 在50 mL提取液中提取,并使用20倍的稀释系数进行分析。当使用无赖氨酸检测溶液时,可以使用20倍稀释因子并获得相同的检测限,或使用5倍稀释因子并获得0的检测限。 004 mg/kg样品。 注1: 本标准的用户应注意遵守惯例 D3740 本身并不能保证可靠的结果。可靠的结果取决于许多因素;实践 D3740 提供了一种评估其中一些因素的方法。
1.1 This test method is intended for use in the determination of beryllium in samples of soil and sediment. This test method can be used for purposes such as environmental remediation projects where beryllium is a contaminant of concern. It is also useful for characterization of levels of beryllium in soil at sites where beryllium is in mining or manufacturing applications, and for determination of background levels of beryllium in soil. 1.2 This test method assumes that samples of soil or sediment are collected using appropriate and applicable methods. 1.3 This test method includes a procedure for extraction (dissolution) of beryllium in dilute ammonium bifluoride, followed by analysis of aliquots of the extract solution using a beryllium-specific fluorescent dye. 1.4 For a 500 mg sample, the lower limit of the working range is approximately 0.04 mg Be/kg (5× dilution) or 0.1 mg Be/kg (20× dilution). The working range extends to concentrations of at least 500 mg Be/kg. 1.5 No detailed operating instructions are provided because of differences among various makes and models of suitable fluorometric instruments. Instead, the analyst shall follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the particular instrument. This test method does not address comparative accuracy of different devices or the precision between instruments of the same make and model. 1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.7 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in Practice D6026 . 1.7.1 For purposes of comparing a measured or calculated value(s) with specified limits, the measured or calculated value(s) shall be rounded to the nearest decimal of significant digits in the specified limit. 1.7.2 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/recorded, or calculated, in this standard are regarded as the industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the significant digits that generally should be retained. The procedures used do not consider material variation, purpose for obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of this standard to consider significant digits used in analytical methods for engineering data. 1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.9 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 Exposure to beryllium can cause a potentially fatal disease, and occupational exposure limits for beryllium in air and on surfaces have been established to reduce exposure risks to potentially affected workers ( 1 , 2 ) . 5 Measurement of beryllium in matrices such as soil and sediment is important in environmental remediation projects involving beryllium contamination ( 3 ) and for establishment of background levels of beryllium at sites where anthropogenic beryllium may have been used ( 2 , 4- 6 ) . Sampling and analytical methods for beryllium are needed in order to meet the challenges relating to exposure assessment and risk reduction. Sampling and analysis methods, such as the procedure described in this test method, are desired in order to facilitate measurements of beryllium that can be used as a basis for management of remediation projects and protection of human health. 5.2 This test method can be used for purposes such as environmental remediation projects where beryllium is a contaminant of concern. It is also useful for characterization of levels of beryllium in soil at sites where beryllium is in mining or manufacturing applications, and for determination of background levels of beryllium in soil. 5.3 The limit of quantification of this test method varies with the dilution factor (see 13.6.1 ). For the detection solution containing lysine the detection limit is 0.013 mg beryllium per kilogram of sample, based on a 0.5 g sample ( 7 ) extracted in a 50 mL extraction solution and analyzed using a dilution factor of 20×. When the lysine-free detection solution is used one may use a 20× dilution factor and obtain the same detection limit or use 5× dilution factor and obtain a detection limit of 0.004 mg/kg of sample. Note 1: Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
归口单位: D22.04
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工程用土壤试验方法 方法3.5.1:土壤分类试验.土壤颗粒密度的测定.标准方法
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工程用土壤试验方法 方法3.4.1:土壤分类试验.土壤线性收缩的测定.标准方法
AS 1289.3.2.1-2009
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.2.1: Soil classification tests - Determination of the plastic limit of a soil - Standard method
工程用土壤试验方法 方法3.2.1:土壤分类试验.土壤塑性极限的测定.标准方法
AS 1289.2.2.1-1998
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 2.2.1: Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the total suction of a soil - Standard method
工程用土壤试验方法 方法2.2.1:土壤含水量试验.土壤总吸力的测定.标准方法
AS 1289.6.3.1-2004
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 6.3.1: Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Standard penetration test (SPT)
工程用土壤试验方法 方法6.3.1:土壤强度和固结试验.土壤抗渗透性的测定.标准渗透试验(SPT)
AS 1289.6.6.1-1998
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil strength and consolidation tests, Method 6.6.1: Determination of the one-dimensional consolidation properties of a soil - Standard method
工程用土壤试验方法.土壤强度和固结试验 方法6.6.1:土壤一维固结特性的测定.标准方法
AS 1289.3.6.1-2009
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.6.1: Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of analysis by sieving
工程用土壤试验方法 方法3.6.1:土壤分类试验.土壤粒度分布的测定.筛分分析的标准方法
AS 1289.6.6.1-2020
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 6.6.1: Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the one-dimensional consolidation properties of a soil - Standard method
工程用土壤试验方法 方法6.6.1:土壤强度和固结试验.土壤一维固结特性的测定.标准方法
AS 1289.2.1.1-2005
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 2.1.1: Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Oven drying method (standard method)
工程用土壤试验方法 方法2.1.1:土壤含水量试验-土壤含水量的测定-烘箱干燥法(标准方法)
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AS 1289.6.1.3-1998
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 6.1.3: Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the California Bearing Ratio of a soil - Standard field-in-place method
工程用土壤试验方法 方法6.1.3:土壤强度和固结试验-土壤加州承载比的测定-标准现场法
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Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes - Soil strength tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Test 6.5.1 Standard penetration test (SPT)
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AS 1289.3.6.3-2003
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.6.3: Soil classification tests - Determination of the particle size distribution of a soil - Standard method of fine analysis using a hydrometer