This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of drought issues. A 25 year simulation of a hypothetical
community is presented and includes the following:
moderate growth;
mainly single family (SF) residential;
no new water supply projects available; and,
fairly standard, non-conserving demand
patterns. The model was used to test alternatives:
model applied to a hypothetical system;
25 year, monthly model;
demands disaggregated
- new/existing; by end uses
- baseline, rationing and conservation;
water supply including drought;
reservoir operations; and,
reliability criteria (rules). Drought recognition included:
available storage = 12 kaf = 1 yr dems;
reliance on spring snowmelt; and,
failure to fill to at least 67% of capacity. Presentation conclusions indicate the following:
planning can reduce risks of drought damage;
important to understand the severity and extent
of the design drought;
conservation provides years of savings to
system before it can be recognized;
it can take 1 to 2 years for restrictions to make
significant changes to demands; and,
best course is to start conservation efforts early,
and provide a drought reserve. Includes table, figures.