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现行 ISO 15738:2019
Ships and marine technology — Maritime safety — Gas inflation systems for inflatable life-saving appliances 船舶和海洋技术 - 充气救生设备的气体充气系统
发布日期: 2019-07-12
本文件规定了充气式救生设备充气系统的性能和测试要求。 注:它适用于符合1974年修订的《海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS 74)和国际海事组织MSC决议通过的修订的《国际海事组织国际救生设备规范》(LSA规范)要求的充气式救生设备。48(66). 本文件适用于由充气气体、气瓶阀、气瓶操作头、高压软管、减压/传输、充气/放气和止回阀组成的充气系统。本文件仅涉及气缸中的压缩充气气体用作充气介质的系统。 各国对气瓶的鉴定、使用和测试的要求各不相同。本文件未涉及气瓶的此类要求,但前提是气瓶满足适用监管机构的要求。 本文件中涉及的系统通常用于救生设备,如救生艇、海上疏散系统和救援手段。ISO 12402-7对充气救生衣等个人救生设备中使用的系统进行了说明。
This document specifies performance and testing requirements for gas inflation systems for inflatable life-saving appliances. NOTE It is suitable for inflatable life-saving appliances complying with the requirements of the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS 74), as amended, and the IMO International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) as amended, adopted by IMO Resolution MSC.48(66). This document applies to gas inflation systems which consist of an inflation gas, a gas cylinder valve, a gas cylinder operating head, high-pressure hoses, and pressure-relief/transfer, inflate/deflate and non-return valves. This document addresses only systems in which compressed inflation gas in cylinders is used as the inflation medium. National requirements for qualification, use, and testing of gas cylinders vary widely. Such requirements for gas cylinders are not addressed in this document, but it is presupposed that gas cylinders meet the requirements of the applicable regulatory bodies. The systems addressed in this document are of the type generally used in life-saving appliances, such as survival craft, marine evacuation systems, and means of rescue. Systems used in personal life-saving appliances, such as inflatable lifejackets, are addressed in ISO 12402-7.
归口单位: ISO/TC 8/SC 1