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现行 RP-807
On-Site, Non-Refrigerant Resource Implications of Heat Recovery Heat Pump Systems 现场 热回收热泵系统对非制冷剂资源的影响
热回收热泵(HRHPs)是一种使用原本会被浪费的能量的热泵。热泵通过提高温度将这种能量转化为更有用的能量。HRHP包括闭式循环热泵、机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)或开式循环热泵以及除湿热泵。热回收热泵有许多环境效益。这些生态优势往往伴随着经济效益。这些措施包括减少能源、水和水处理化学品的使用。需要量化这些益处,这就是这些指南的目的。通常,也有质量上的好处,如工艺改进和空间冷却的可用性,这些也被指出。为了制定这些指南,从ASHRAE RP-656分析的30个地点中选择了代表广泛应用的8个地点。提供了与现场相关的工作表,以及相关流程的图纸。 每个工作表代表不同的环境效益计算,并可用于确定类似于所述现场的系统的潜在改进。包括工作表的磁盘副本。更好地了解这些好处的行业更有可能采用HRHP技术。
Heat recovery heat pumps (HRHPs) are heat pumps that use energy that would otherwise be wasted. The heat pump converts this energy to a more useful level by increasing its temperature. HRHPs include closed cycle heat pumps, mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) or open cycle heat pumps, and dehumidification heat pumps.There are many environmental benefits to heat recovery heat pumps. These ecological advantages are often accompanied by economic benefits. These include reductions in energy, water, and water treatment chemical use. A need has arisen to quantify these benefits, and this is the purpose of these guidelines. Often, there are qualitative benefits as well, such as process improvements and the availability of space cooling, and these are also indicated.To develop these guidelines, eight sites that represent a broad spectrum of application were selected from the thirty sites analyzed by ASHRAE RP-656. Worksheets linked to the sites are provided, along with drawings of the processes involved. Each worksheet represents a different environmental benefit calculation and can be used to determine the potential improvement for a system similar to the site in question. A disk copy of the worksheets is included. An industry better informed of the benefits will be more likely to adopt HRHP technology.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类