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现行 ISO 20492-1:2008
Glass in buildings - Insulating glass — Part 1: Durability of edge seals by climate tests 建筑物用玻璃.绝缘玻璃.第1部分:通过气候试验的边缘密封的耐久性
发布日期: 2008-09-29
ISO 20492-1:2008确立了通过气候试验测试中空玻璃装置边缘密封件耐久性的两种方法。这两种方法分别被指定为北美等市场的方法1和欧洲等市场的方法2。 ISO 20492-1:2008适用于带有一个或两个空气空间以及毛细管的预组装、永久密封中空玻璃装置,毛细管故意保持打开状态,以使装置内的压力与周围的大气平衡。 ISO 20492-1:2008不适用于包含拱肩玻璃涂层的密封中空玻璃装置。 ISO 20492-1:2008不适用于仅具有装饰功能的中空玻璃单元。
ISO 20492-1:2008 establishes two methods for testing the durability of edge seals of insulating glass units by means of climate tests. The two methods are designated as approach 1 for markets such as North America and approach 2 for markets such as Europe. ISO 20492-1:2008 is applicable to pre-assembled, permanently sealed, insulating glass units with one or two airspaces, and with capillary tubes that are intentionally left open to equalize pressure inside the unit with the surrounding atmosphere. ISO 20492-1:2008 is not applicable to sealed, insulating glass units that contain a spandrel glass coating. ISO 20492-1:2008 does not apply to insulating glass units whose function is decorative only.
归口单位: ISO/TC 160