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现行 ISO 16936-1:2020
Glass in building — Forced-entry security glazing — Part 1: Test and classification by repetitive ball drop 建筑玻璃 - 强制入口安全玻璃 - 第1部分:通过重复的球滴测试和分类
发布日期: 2020-02-26
本文件规定了安全嵌装玻璃的要求和试验方法,旨在通过在短时间内延迟物体和/或人员进入受保护空间来抵抗坚硬物体的冲击。它还将安全玻璃产品分为耐钢球重复冲击的类别。 在本文件中,未将电阻类别指定给特殊应用。对于嵌装玻璃上的每次应用和预期作用力,应单独规定嵌装玻璃的分类。 本文件仅涉及机械抗冲击性。 注:其他属性也很重要。
This document specifies requirements and a test method for security glazing designed to resist impacts of a hard body by delaying access of objects and/or persons to a protected space for a short period of time. It also classifies security-glazing products into categories of resistance to repetitive impacts of a steel sphere. In this document, the categories of resistance have not been assigned to special applications. It is intended that the glazing classification be specified on an individual basis for every application and anticipated action of force upon the glazing. This document deals with mechanical resistance to impact only. NOTE Other properties can also be important.
归口单位: ISO/TC 160