Rubber suction hose and hose assemblies with semi-embedded wire helix for fire-fighting purposes. Requirements and test methods
消防用橡胶吸入软管和带半嵌入式螺旋线的软管组件 要求和试验方法
交叉引用:BS 336BS 3558BS EN 10244-2BS EN 10324BS EN ISO 1402BS EN ISO 4671:2007BS EN ISO 7233BS EN ISO 8033BS EN ISO 8330BS ISO 37BS ISO 188BS EN ISO 14557:2002购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:BS 336BS 3558BS EN 10244-2BS EN 10324BS EN ISO 1402BS EN ISO 4671:2007BS EN ISO 7233BS EN ISO 8033BS EN ISO 8330BS ISO 37BS ISO 188BS EN ISO 14557:2002All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.