Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-6: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Earthquake vibration and shock
IEC 60721-2-6:2022 deals with environmental conditions appearing in nature related to earthquake vibrations and shocks.
Its object is to define some fundamental properties and quantities for characterization of earthquakes as background material for the severities to which products are liable to be exposed during storage and use. The accelerations given are for ground surface conditions only. Conditions related to structures are referred to but restricted to general case descriptions.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1990. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
the main aim of this revision is to classify in a limited number of classes the seismic activity level of the zone where the equipment could be installed;
the correlation between intensity scales, magnitude scales and peak ground acceleration is deleted due to the scientific uncertainty to define such a correlation in a rigorous way;
updated scales are given both for intensity and for magnitude;
the earthquake zone map, which was not usable in practice, is replaced by an annex giving information about how to retrieve consistent peak ground acceleration distribution all over the world;
with regard to identification of the peak ground seismic acceleration of the zone, where the equipment could be installed, the user is made aware that national standards and laws can apply.