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现行 BS 12/30260955 DC
BS EN 13796-1. Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons. Carriers. Grips, carrier trucks, on-board brakes, cabins, chairs, carriages, maintenance carriers, towhangers 英国标准EN 13796-1 载人索道装置的安全要求 载体 夹具、运输车、车载制动器、驾驶室、座椅、车厢、维修车、拖车钩
发布日期: 2012-06-14
交叉引用:EN 287-1EN 287-2EN 795EN 1709EN 1907:2005EN 1908EN 1909ENV 1993-1EN 1999-1-3EN 10025EN 10045-1EN 10083EN 10113EN 10204:2004EN 12397EN 12408EN 12927-1EN 12927-2EN 12927-3EN 12927-5EN 12927-6EN 12927-7EN 12927-8EN 12929-1EN 12929-2EN 12930EN 13107EN 13223EN 13243EN 13796-2EN ISO 898EN ISO 5817EN ISO 1296-2ISO 22006-9600当前修订版购买本文件时提供的信息包括在内。
Cross References:EN 287-1EN 287-2EN 795EN 1709EN 1907:2005EN 1908EN 1909ENV 1993-1EN 1999-1-3EN 10025EN 10045-1EN 10083EN 10113EN 10204:2004EN 12397EN 12408EN 12927-1EN 12927-2EN 12927-3EN 12927-4EN 12927-5EN 12927-6EN 12927-7EN 12927-8EN 12929-1EN 12929-2EN 12930EN 13107EN 13223EN 13243EN 13796-2EN 13796-3EN ISO 898EN ISO 5817ISO 5817EN ISO 9606-2ISO 9606-22000/9/ECAll current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会