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现行 BS 7005:1988
Specification for design and manufacture of carbon steel unfired pressure vessels for use in vapour compression refrigeration systems 蒸汽压缩制冷系统用碳钢非燃烧压力容器的设计和制造规范
发布日期: 1988-04-29
直径为100 mm至610 mm、长度不超过6 m的简单建造系列生产容器的材料和设计应力、设计、制造和工艺、检查和测试、文件和标记要求,用于设计压力不超过28 bar,设计温度不超过200°C的1类和2类制冷剂。交叉参考:BS 499:第1BS 639BS 970BS 1501BS 1502BS 1503BS 1600BS 1640:第1BS 1965:第1BS 2633BS 2901:第1BS 2910BS 2971BS 3600BS 3602部分: 第1BS 3602部分:第2BS 3603BS 3923部分:第1BS 3971BS 4165BS 4434BS 4871部分:第1BS 4882BS 5289BS 5500BS 575087/404/EEC部分
Requirements for the materials and design stresses, design, manufacturing and workmanship, inspection and testing, documentation and marking for simply constructed series produced vessels from 100 mm to 610 mm diameter, up to 6 m in length, for use with group classifications 1 and 2 refrigerants up to design pressures of 28 bar and design temperatures up to 200°C.Cross References:BS 499:Part 1BS 639BS 970BS 1501BS 1502BS 1503BS 1600BS 1640:Part 1BS 1965:Part 1BS 2633BS 2901:Part 1BS 2910BS 2971BS 3600BS 3602:Part 1BS 3602:Part 2BS 3603BS 3923:Part 1BS 3971BS 4165BS 4434BS 4871:Part 1BS 4882BS 5289BS 5500BS 575087/404/EEC
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会