Supplement to Publication 79-5 (1967) Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 5: Sand-Filled Apparatus (Adopted IEC 79-5A:1969, first edition)
出版物79-5(1967)的补充件爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第5部分:填砂设备(采用IEC 79-5A:1969 第一版)
PrefaceThis Publication has been prepared by Sub-Committee 31B, Sand- filled Apparatus, of IEC Technical Committee No. 31, Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres.It forms the first Supplement to IEC Publication 79-5 and gives the text of Appendix C.A first draft was discussed at the meeting held in Warsaw in 1964, as a result of which a final draft was submitted to the National Committees for approval under the Six Months' Rule in June 1967. /PrefaceLa presente publication a ete etablie par le Sous-Comite 31B: Mat eriels a isolant pulverulent, du Comite d'Etudes No 31 de la CEI: Materiel electrique pour atmospheres explosives.Elle forme le premier complement a la Publication 79-5 de la CEI et donne le texte de l'annexe C.Un premier projet fut discute lors de la reunion tenue a Varsovie en 1964, a la suite de laquelle un projet definitif fut soumis a l'approbation des Comites nationaux suivant la Regle des Six Mois en juin 1967.