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现行 PH-2516
A Proposed Technique for Correlating the Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems 一种用于关联太阳能家用热水系统性能的拟议技术
在太阳能的所有可能应用中,家用热水似乎最经济[1,2],而且可能首先实现完全商业化。因此,鉴于太阳能热水系统可以作为成套系统进行设计、组装和销售,美国供暖、制冷和空调工程师协会(ASHRAE)最近成立了一个标准项目委员会,以制定此类系统的标准测试程序。为了支持该委员会的工作,并深入了解太阳能家用热水系统的性能,进行了本文概述的分析。主要目的是研究将此类系统的主要性能因素关联起来的不同方法,然后使用任何成功发现的关联技术作为标准测试的可能基础。 分析涉及使用威斯康星大学的计算机程序TrnSy[3,4]模拟典型的最先进的系统。模拟和相关分析成功地表明了一种将太阳能提供的热水负荷分数与控制系统性能的主要自变量相关联的方法。然后使用商用系统的实际测试数据来证实相关性的适用性。引文:宾夕法尼亚州费城ASHRAE Transactions第85卷第1部分
Of all possible applications of solar energy, it appears that domestic water heating is the closest to being economical [1, 2] and the one likely to reach full commercialization first. As a result of this and the fact that solar water heating systems can be designed, assembled, and sold as packaged systems, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has recently formed a standards project committee to develop a standard testing procedure for such systems.In order to support the work of this committee and to gain insight into performance of solar domestic water heating systems, the analysis outlined in this paper was undertaken. The primary objective was to examine different ways of correlating the primary performance factors of such systems and then to use any correlation technique found successful as a possible basis for the standard test.The analysis involved simulating typical state-of-the-art systems using the University of Wisconsin computer program TRNSYS [3,4]. The simulations and associated analyses were successful in indicating a method of correlating the fraction of the hot water load supplied by solar energy with the primary independent variables governing the system performance. Actual test data for a commercially-available system were then used to substantiate the applicability of the correlation.
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