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现行 IN-91-21-2
Modeling and Optimization of Commercial Building Chiller/Cooling Tower Systems 商用建筑冷水机组/冷却塔系统的建模与优化
在过去30年中,商业建筑冷水机组/冷却塔系统的冷凝水流量规定指南没有显著变化,而冷水机组的效率提高了,冷却塔的性能也得到了改善。在设计运行条件下,冷凝器水流量的当前规定值通常为每吨冷却水2.8至3.9加仑/分钟(gpm)。本研究的目的是调查使用较低的冷凝水和冷却塔空气流量对峰值电力需求、年度能源使用和整个系统的资本成本的影响。为此,开发了数学模型,根据制造商的部件性能数据模拟系统性能。结果表明,在2.0 gpm/吨的设计运行条件下使用冷凝器水流量,在240 cfm/吨的横流冷却塔空气流量下使用冷凝器水流量(使用当前的冷却塔尺寸标准)。 当以较低的固定流量运行系统时,与使用本指南确定的流量相比,系统峰值需求和年度系统能耗分别节省了3.5%和10.5%。通过使用最佳可变流量,发现每年的能源使用费用可节省15.6%。较低的泵送要求也会降低设备成本。关键词:计算、优化、商业、建筑、冷却塔、冷却器、性能、法规、规范、冷凝器、水流量、冷却、空气流量、能耗、峰值负荷、成本、组件、节能研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1991年,第97卷,第2部分
Guidelines for specifying condenser water flow rate for commercial building chiller/cooling tower systems have not changed significantly during the past 30 years, while chiller efficiencies have increased and the performance of cooling towers has improved. The present specified value, at design operating conditions, for the condenser water flow rate is typically 2.8 to 3.9 gallons per minute (gpm) per ton of cooling. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using lower condenser water and cooling tower air flow rates on peak power demand, annual energy use, and capital costs for the overall system. In order to do this, mathematical models were developed that simulated the system performance based on manufacturers' component performance data. The results point to using a condenser water flow rate at a design operating condition of 2.0 gpm/ton and across-flow cooling tower air flow rate of 240 cfm/ton (using the present cooling tower sizing criteria). When operating the system at the lower fixed flow rates, savings of 3.5% in system peak demand and 10.5% in annual system energy use were found compared to using flow rates determined by the present guidelines. With the use of optimum variable flow rates, savings of 15.6% in annual energy use charges were found. Reduced equipment costs would also result from the lower pumping requirement.KEYWORDS: calculating, optimisation, commercial, buildings, cooling towers, chillers, performance, regulations, specifications, condensers, water flow, cooling, air flow rate, energy consumption, peak load, costs, components, energy conservation
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类