Railway applications. Track. Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation. Test method for determining the acoustic performance-Intrinsic characteristics. In situ values of sound diffraction under direct sound field
铁路应用 轨道作用于空气声传播的隔音屏障和相关装置 测定声学性能的试验方法
BS EN 16272-4:2016 describes a test method for determining the intrinsic characteristics of sound
diffraction of added devices installed on the top of railway noise barriers. The test method prescribes
measurements of the sound pressure level at several reference points near the top edge of a noise
barrier with and without the added device installed on its top. The intrinsic effectiveness of the added
device is calculated as the difference between the measured values with and without the added devices,
correcting for any change in height. In other words, the method described here gives the acoustic
benefit of changing the shape and materials of the top edge over a simple barrier of the same height. This is an intrinsic characteristic of the added device, provided that the source and receiver positions
are standardized. In practice, when the added device is placed over an existing barrier, it raises the
height and this provides additional screening, depending on the source and receiver positions; this
additional screening is not considered in this European Standard.The test method is intended for the following applications:preliminary qualification, outdoors or indoors, of added devices to be installed on noise barriers;determination of the sound diffraction index difference of added devices in actual use;comparison of design specifications of an added device with actual performance data after the
completion of the construction work;verification of the long term performance of added devices (with a repeated application of the
method);interactive design process of new products, including the formulation of installation manuals.The test method can be applied both in situ and on samples purposely built to be tested using the
method described here.Results are expressed as a function of frequency, in one-third octave bands between 100 Hz and 5 kHz.
If it is not possible to get valid measurements results over the whole frequency range indicated, the
results shall be given in the restricted frequency range and the reasons for the restriction(s) shall be
clearly reported. A single-number rating is calculated from frequency data.Cross References:EN 16272-3-2EN 16272-6EN ISO 354EN 61672-1ISO/IEC Guide 98-3GUM:1995ISO 13472-1:2002EN 60942EN 61260All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.