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现行 DA-00-04-1
Diabatic Flow Instabilities in Capillary Tube-Suction Line Heat Exchangers 毛细管吸气管换热器中的非绝热流动不稳定性
在稳态和准稳态条件下,在过冷进口温度和压力范围内对三台毛细管吸入管换热器(ctslhx)进行了测试,并用科里奥利式流量计测量了质量流量。观察到滞后现象;质量流量是多值的,取决于闪点是向上游移动还是向下游移动。当吸入口过热度变化时,毛细管入口条件保持不变,并再次观察到该现象。在一台运行中的冰箱中重现了同样的效果,使其热力学循环效率提高了3%。 这些实验为非绝热毛细管中的这种行为提供了第一个证据。这对研究和设计都很重要。这些结果可能解释了之前公布的数据中的大部分分散性,但它们意味着此类数据的价值受到缺乏关于接近稳定试验条件的路径的信息的限制。在进一步了解亚稳行为及其路径依赖性之前,使用基于平衡热力学假设的稳态模型的设计师也必须忍受这种不确定性。单位:I-PCITION:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第卷。 第106页。1.
Three capillary tube-suction line heat exchangers (ctslhx's) were tested under steady and quasi-steady conditions over a range of subcooled inlet temperatures and pressures, and mass flows were measured with a coriolis-type meter. Hysteresis was observed; mass flow rate is multivalued and depends on whether the flash point is moving upstream or downstream. Additional experiments were conducted with capillary tube inlet conditions held constant while suction inlet superheat was varied, and the phenomenon was observed again. The same effect was reproduced in an operating refrigerator, affecting its thermodynamic cycle efficiency by 3%. These experiments provide the first evidence of such behavior in diabatic capillary tubes. The implications for both research and design are important. These results may explain much of the scatter in previously published data, but they imply that the value of such data is limited by lack of information about the path along which the steady test conditions were approached. Designers using steady-state models based on equilibrium thermodynamic assumptions must also live with this uncertainty until more is known about metastable behavior and its path-dependence.Units: I-P
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类