Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and extent2.Interpretation3.Use of colours in or on food4.Health markingetc.of certain meat and meat products5.Use of colours on eggshells6.Sale of colours and food containing colours7.Transitional provision8.Use of miscellaneous additives9.Sale of food additives and food containing miscellaneous additives10.Transitional provisions and exemption11.Placing on the market and use of sweeteners12.Sale of food containing sweeteners13.Transitional provision14.Offences and penalties15.Enforcement16.Application of various sections of the Food Safety Act 199017.Condemnation of food18.Consequential amendments19.Amendment of the Specified Sugar Products (Scotland) Regulations 200320.RevocationsSignatureSCHEDULESPECIFIED REGULATION 1333/2008 PROVISIONSExplanatory Note