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现行 ISO 28139:2019
Equipment for crop protection — Knapsack combustion engine-driven airblast sprayers — Safety and environmental requirements and test methods 作物保护设备.背负式内燃机驱动的气动喷雾器.安全和环境要求和试验方法
发布日期: 2019-12-10
本文件规定了3.9中定义的背负式内燃机驱动空气喷射器的设计和制造的安全要求及其验证、环境要求和相关试验方法以及最低性能限制。 它描述了消除或减少因其使用而产生的危害的方法。此外,它还规定了制造商提供的安全工作实践信息的类型。 它涉及一般操作参数,以及在规定的受控条件下喷雾液滴的潜在沉积。 本文件涉及所有重大危险、危险情况和事件,但由传输至操作员背部的振动引起的情况除外。 本标准适用于背负式内燃机驱动的气动喷雾器,当其按预期使用且在制造商可预见的条件下使用时(见表A.1)。 不适用于: -液压喷雾器; -热喷雾器; -冷雾; -适用于干燥材料应用的喷雾器。 本标准不适用于出版日期之前制造的背负式内燃机驱动的空气喷射器。本文件的要求适用于出版18个月后生产的产品。
This document specifies safety requirements and their verification, environmental requirements and related test methods, and minimum performance limits, for the design and construction of knapsack combustion engine-driven airblast sprayers as defined in 3.9. It describes methods for the elimination or reduction of hazards arising from their use. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices to be provided by the manufacturer. It addresses general operating parameters as well as the potential deposition of spray droplets under specified controlled conditions. This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, excepting those arising from vibration transmitted to the back of the operator. It is applicable to knapsack combustion engine-driven airblast sprayers when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Table A.1). It is not applicable to: — hydraulic pressure sprayers; — thermal sprayers; — cold foggers; — sprayers adapted for the application of dry material. It is not applicable to knapsack combustion engine-driven airblast sprayers manufactured before the date of its publication. The requirements of this document applies to products manufactured 18 months after publication.
归口单位: ISO/TC 23/SC 6