This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting the following questions:
how common (or rare) is wastewater (WW) effluent
presence in drinking water sources
(a watershed analysis);
are there chemical signatures of wastewater impacts
on drinking water sources
(bulk effluent organic matter (EfOM) components,
effluent-derived organic micropollutants); how sensitive are these chemical signatures
(WW-dominated (> 50 % WW effluent),
WW-impacted (10 - 50 % WW effluent), and
WW-minimally-impacted (< 10 % WW effluent); and,
can the problem of wastewater-impacted drinking
water sources be managed from the perspective of
WW-derived organics
- case studies of intentional/planned (indirect) potable reuse. Includes tables, figures.