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现行 CH-12-001
Heat Pump Water Heater Technology Assessment Based on Laboratory Research and Energy Simulation Models 基于实验室研究和能量模拟模型的热泵热水器技术评估
本文探讨了五台集成式热泵热水器(HPWH)在代表美国气候地区的各种运行条件下的实验室性能。实验室结果证明了该技术在大多数测试条件下的效率,并表明控制方案和设计特征的差异会影响单个机组的性能。这些结果被用来理解当前模型的局限性,然后将HPWH技术在美国不同气候地区的节能潜力括起来。模拟结果表明,与其他类型的热水器相比,HPWH有望在许多气候区显著节能(高达64%,包括对HVAC系统的影响)。 引文:伊利诺伊州芝加哥ASHRAE Transactions第118卷第1部分
This paper explores the laboratory performance of five integrated Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWHs) across a wide range of operating conditions representative of US climate regions. Laboratory results demonstrate the efficiency of this technology under most of the conditions tested and show that differences in control schemes and design features impact the performance of the individual units. These results were used to understand current model limitations, and then to bracket the energy savings potential for HPWH technology in various US climate regions. Simulation results show that HPWHs are expected to provide significant energy savings in many climate zones when compared to other types of water heaters (up to 64%, including impact on HVAC systems).
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类