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现行 ISO 8769:2020
Measurement of radioactivity — Alpha-, beta- and photon emitting radionuclides — Reference measurement standard specifications for the calibration of surface contamination monitors 放射性α、β和光子发射放射性核素的测量.表面污染监测器校准用参考测量标准规范
发布日期: 2020-06-22
本文件规定了放射性表面污染参考测量标准的特性,可追溯到国家测量标准,用于表面污染监测器的校准。本文件涉及最大光子能量不大于1.5 MeV的α发射器、β发射器和光子发射器。 它没有描述使用这些参考测量标准校准表面污染监测器所涉及的程序。此类程序在IEC 60325[6]、IEC 62363[7]和其他文件中有规定。 注意,由于所提出的光子标准中的一些包括滤波器,光子标准被视为特定能量范围的光子的参考测量标准,而不是特定放射性核素的参考测量标准。例如,具有推荐过滤的241Am源不会从表面发射与核素衰变相关的α粒子或特征性低能L X射线光子。它被设计为发射平均能量约为60keV的光子的参考测量标准。 本文件还规定了用于校准表面污染监测器的优选参考辐射。这些参考辐射以充分表征的大面积源的形式实现,无一例外地在可追溯到国家标准的表面发射率和活度方面指定。
This document specifies the characteristics of reference measurement standards of radioactive surface contamination, traceable to national measurement standards, for the calibration of surface contamination monitors. This document relates to alpha-emitters, beta-emitters, and photon emitters of maximum photon energy not greater than 1,5 MeV. It does not describe the procedures involved in the use of these reference measurement standards for the calibration of surface contamination monitors. Such procedures are specified in IEC 60325[6], IEC 62363[7], and other documents. NOTE Since some of the proposed photon standards include filters, the photon standards are to be regarded as reference measurement standards of photons of a particular energy range and not as reference measurement standards of a particular radionuclide. For example, a 241Am source with the recommended filtration does not emit from the surface the alpha particles or characteristic low-energy L X-ray photons associated with the decay of the nuclide. It is designed to be a reference measurement standard that emits photons with an average energy of approximately 60 keV. This document also specifies preferred reference radiations for the calibration of surface contamination monitors. These reference radiations are realized in the form of adequately characterized large area sources specified, without exception, in terms of surface emission rate and activity which are traceable to national standards.
归口单位: ISO/TC 85/SC 2