This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of ultraviolet (UV) inactivation of Adeno. The motivation for the study included the following points:
demonstrate that adenovirus is not really
extremely resistant to UV;
UV can provide a similar level of virus
inactivation as chlorine;
Ground Water Rule suggests that UV cannot be
validated for 4-log virus inactivation in a UV
reactor; and,
the study set out to prove it could and to augment the
previous lab work. The experimental desgin included:
Bench Experiments to verify efficacy of MP
UV vs LP;
establish a UV Reactor test plan to cover a
range of UVT and flows;
interact with outside experts (US Environmental Protection Agency and
State Regulators) to get feedback on the plan; and,
carry out CB and field-scale reactor tests and
evaluate data. Challenges for Adeno Testing include the following:
Titer able to achieve in Reactor (1-5 x 105),
hard to obtain high titer adenovirus stocks;
working with a pathogenic virus
required special handling and precautions; achieving high log reduction in reactor
governed by influent titer and assay;
meeting a dose with validation factors, 1.28 validation factor for UV reactor conditions and
28% higher target needed for 4-log; and,
~235 mJ/cm2. Includes tables, figures.