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现行 OR-10-015
Field Testing of Optimal Controls of Passive and Active Thermal Storage 被动式和主动式储热器最优控制的现场试验
本文总结了现场测试的结果,以评估通过在科罗拉多州一所小学使用被动式和主动式热能存储系统来转移峰值冷负荷和降低建筑能源成本的简化和优化控制策略的性能。特别是,评估了建筑物热质量预冷的性能以及基于实时模型的预测最优控制。结果表明,通过使用最佳控制策略运行的TES,学校每年的电力成本节约了约47%。 单位:双引文:ASHRAE交易,第116卷,第。1,奥兰多2010
This paper summarizes the results of field testing to evaluate the performance of simplified and optimal control strategies for shifting peak cooling loads and reducing building energy costs through the utilization of both the passive and active thermal energy storage systems for an elementary school in Colorado. In particular, the performance of precooling of building thermal mass as well as real-time model-based predictive optimal controls is evaluated.The results indicate that the school is saving roughly 47% on its annual electricity costs by utilizing the TES operated using their optimal control strategy.Units: Dual