Refrigerated hydrocarbon and nonpetroleum based liquefied gaseous fuels. General requirements for automatic tank gauges-Automatic tank gauges for liquefied petroleum and chemical gases on board marine carriers and floating storage
冷冻碳氢化合物和非石油基液化气体燃料 自动油箱压力计的一般要求
交叉引用:ISO 6578ISO 11223ISO 15169ISO/IEC指南98-3IEC 60079-0API RP 500API RP 2003购买时可用的所有现行修订版均包含在本文件的购买中。
Cross References:ISO 6578ISO 11223ISO 15169ISO/IEC Guide 98-3IEC 60079-0API RP 500API RP 2003All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.