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现行 ISO/TR 22100-3:2016
Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 3: Implementation of ergonomic principles in safety standards 机械安全 - 与Iso 12100的关系 - 第3部分:安全标准中人体工程学原理的实施
发布日期: 2016-09-21
ISO/TR 22100-3:2016描述了影响机械安全的主要工效学风险因素,并提供了一个框架,通过整合与以下相关的重要工效学原则,将其纳入机械设计: -在使用机器时避免紧张的姿势和动作; -设计易于操作的机器,尤其是手持式和移动式机器; -尽量避免噪音、振动、热效应; 注1:噪声、振动和不利的热条件对健康的影响是众所周知的,此处不讨论。然而,环境因素可能与机器设计相互影响,因此产生的风险将在本文件中讨论。 ? 避免将操作员的工作节奏与自动连续循环联系起来; ? 在机器上或机器内部提供局部照明; 注2:机器或周围工作场所的照明可能会对机器操作的安全产生重大影响,本文件解决了这一风险。 -选择、定位和识别手动控制装置(致动器),使其清晰可见、可识别,并在必要时进行适当标记; -选择、设计和定位指示器、刻度盘和视觉显示装置。 该方法基于ISO 12100及其迭代过程,以识别重大危险并降低风险。 该迭代过程的相关步骤已经过调整,以包括人体工程学原理,并给出了应用与机械设计相关的人体工程学标准的实用指南。 ISO/TR 22100-3:2016旨在供机械标准编写者和设计师使用。当没有相关的C时,可以使用它- 类型标准可用。
ISO/TR 22100-3:2016 describes the main ergonomic risk factors influencing the safety of machinery and gives a framework for incorporating them into the design of machines by the integration of important ergonomic principles relating to: - avoiding stressful postures and movements during use of the machine; - designing machines, and more especially hand-held and mobile machines, which can be operated easily; - avoiding as far as possible noise, vibration, thermal effects; NOTE 1: The health effects of noise, vibration and adverse thermal conditions are well-known and are not addressed here. However environmental factors can interact with machine design and risks arising from such influences are addressed in this document. ? avoiding linking the operator's working rhythm to an automatic succession of cycles; ? providing local lighting on or in the machine; NOTE 2: Lighting of the machine or of the surrounding workplace by the machine can have a significant impact on the safety of machine operation and this risk is addressed by this document. - selecting, locating and identifying manual controls (actuators) so that they are clearly visible and identifiable and appropriately marked where necessary; - selecting, designing and locating indicators, dials and visual display units. The approach is based on ISO 12100 with its iterative process to identify significant hazards and reduce risks. Relevant steps of this iterative process have been adapted to include ergonomic principles, and practical guidance is given to apply standards dealing with ergonomics which are relevant for machinery design. ISO/TR 22100-3:2016 is intended for use by standards writers and designers of machinery. It can be used when no relevant C-type standards are available.
归口单位: ISO/TC 199
ISO/TR 22100-2-2013
Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 2: How ISO 12100 relates to ISO 13849-1
机械安全——与ISO 12100的关系第2部分:ISO 12100与ISO 13849-1的关系
ISO/TR 22100-1-2021
Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 1: How ISO 12100 relates to type-B and type-C standards
机械安全 - 与Iso 12100的关系 - 第1部分:Iso 12100如何与B型和C型标准相关
ISO/TR 22100-5-2021
Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 5: Implications of artificial intelligence machine learning
机械安全.与ISO 12100的关系.第5部分:人工智能机器学习的含义
DIN CEN ISO/TR 22100-1
Safety of machinery - Relationship with ISO 12100 - Part 1: How ISO 12100 relates to type-B and type-C standards (ISO/TR 22100-1:2021)
机械安全与ISO 12100的关系第1部分:ISO 12100与B型和C型标准的关系;德国版CEN ISO/TR 22100-1:2021
ISO/TR 22100-4-2018
Safety of machinery — Relationship with ISO 12100 — Part 4: Guidance to machinery manufacturers for consideration of related IT-security (cyber security) aspects
机械安全与ISO 12100的关系第4部分:考虑相关IT安全(网络安全)方面的机械制造商指南
DIN CEN ISO/TR 22100-4
Safety of machinery - Relationship with ISO 12100 - Part 4: Guidance to machinery manufacturers for consideration of related IT-security (cyber security) aspects (ISO/TR 22100-4:2018)
机械安全——与ISO 12100的关系——第4部分:机械制造商考虑相关IT安全(网络安全)方面的指南(ISO/TR 22100-4:2018);德国版CEN ISO/TR 22100-4:2020
DIN CEN ISO/TR 22100-5
Safety of machinery - Relationship with ISO 12100 - Part 5: Implications of artificial intelligence machine learning (ISO/TR 22100-5:2021); German version CEN ISO/TR 22100-5:2022
机械安全与ISO 12100的关系第5部分:人工智能机器学习的含义;德国版本CEN ISO/TR 22100-5:2022