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现行 IEC 60268-22:2020
Sound system equipment - Part 22: Electrical and mechanical measurements on transducers 音响系统设备第22部分:换能器的电气和机械测量
发布日期: 2020-09-24
IEC 60268-22:2020适用于将电气输入信号转换为机械或声学输出信号的传感器。但是,如果可以接近电气输入端子和散热器表面,本文件也适用于被动和主动音响系统,如扬声器、耳机、电视机、多媒体设备、个人便携式音频设备、汽车音响系统和专业设备。本文件仅描述有助于评估被测设备(DUT)传输行为的电气和机械测量。这包括在两个小范围内操作DUT- 和大信号域。在对音响系统进行物理评估时,也可以考虑目标应用的声学边界条件(例如汽车内部)的影响。对再现声音的感知和认知评估以及感知声音质量的影响不在本文件的范围内。
IEC 60268-22:2020 applies to transducers converting an electrical input signal into a mechanical or acoustical output signal. However, if the electrical input terminals and the surface of the radiator are accessible, this document can also apply to passive and active sound systems such as loudspeakers, headphones, TV-sets, multi-media devices, personal portable audio devices, automotive sound systems and professional equipment. This document describes only electrical and mechanical measurements that help assess the transfer behaviour of the device under test (DUT). This includes operating the DUT in both the small- and large-signal domains. The influence of the target application's acoustical boundary conditions (e.g. car interior) can also be considered in the physical evaluation of the sound system. Perception and cognitive evaluations of the reproduced sound and the impact of perceived sound quality are outside the scope of this document.
归口单位: TC 100/TA 20