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现行 4244(RP-862)
Determining the Performance of Energy Wheels - Part II: Experimental Data and Numerical Validation 能量轮性能的测定.第2部分:实验数据和数值验证
本文给出了在质量流量、温度和湿度等多种条件下运行的能量轮的实验测量和数值模拟性能数据。通常,模拟和测量结果之间的一致性在实验不确定度范围内。模拟和数值结果都表明,三个有效值(即敏感值、潜在值和总有效值)是不相等的,并且每个有效值对操作条件都有其独特的敏感性。此外,当进气焓和排气焓几乎相等时,总有效性被证明是一个较差的性能度量。数值模型的模拟结果表明,使用一半的能量轮测量的实验结果,为了减小设备尺寸,将测量的显效率低估了7%。 所提出的确定能量轮性能的方法是用一系列精确的实验数据验证详细的数值模型,然后使用该模型预测其他操作条件下的性能。单位:SICitation:ASHRAE Transactions,第105卷,pt。1.
Experimentally measured and numerically simulated performance data are presented for an energy wheel operating in a wide range of conditions for mass flux, temperature, and humidity. Typically, the agreement between simulated and measured results is well within the experimental uncertainty. Both the simulated and numerical results show that the three effectiveness values (i.e., sensible, latent, and total) are unequal and each has its own unique sensitivity to operating conditions. Also, total effectiveness is shown to be a poor measurement of performance when the supply and exhaust inlet air enthalpies are nearly equal. Simulated results with the numerical model show that experimental results measured using half of the energy wheel, to reduce equipment sizes, underpredict the measured sensible effectiveness by up to 7%. The proposed method of determining energy wheel performance is to validate a detailed numerical model with a range of accurate experimental data and then use the model to predict performance for other operating conditions.Units: SI
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