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现行 ASA S2.2-1959(R2020)
American National Standard Methods for the Calibration of Shock and Vibration Pickups 冲击和振动传感器校准的美国国家标准方法
发布日期: 1959-01-01
范围选择了五种方法作为标定加速度、速度和位移传感器的标准方法。本标准第4节对其进行了描述。在传感器测量的振动和冲击的整个频率和振幅范围内,用一种标准方法校准所有传感器是不可行的。以下是几种方法 据此进行了描述。每种方法都限于一个频率和振幅范围,以及可以校准的传感器重量。此外,限制可能还包括其他变量,如捡拾器的体积和操作温度。 意图本标准旨在让用户熟悉冲击和振动传感器校准的一般原则,并简要描述几种标准方法,这些方法已被证明能给出可靠且可重复的结果。关于这些方法的更多细节见附录。此外,附录中还简要介绍了其他尚未达到标准方法发展阶段的方法。
Scope. Five methods have been selected as standard methods for the calibration of acceleration, velocity, and displacement pickups. They are described in Section 4 of this standard. It is impracticable to calibrate all pickups by one standard method over the entire frequency and amplitude range of vibrations and shocks to be measured by the pickups. Several methods are accordingly described. Each method is limited to a range of frequency and amplitude, and to the weight of pickup that can be calibrated. The limitations may include, in addition, other variables such as volume of the pickup and temperature of operation.Purpose. This standard is designed to acquaint the user with the general principles of calibration of shock and vibration pickups and to describe concisely several standard methods which have proven to give reliable and reproducible results. Further details concerning these methods are given in the Appendix. Also, other methods that have not as yet reached the stage of development of the standard methods are described briefly in the Appendix.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国声协会