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现行 CSA C22.2 NO.117-1970(R2016)
Room Air Conditioners, Includes Revisions (July 2007) 房间空调 包括修订版(2007年7月)
发布日期: 2000-04-10
本PDF包括Amd#1-#3.1。范围1。1本标准适用于额定电压不超过250伏、单相、额定容量不超过36000 Btu/hr、按照加拿大电气规范第I.1.2部分的规定设计使用的线连接房间空调。2本标准适用于独立式风冷窗、操作台或内置墙式房间空调,带有气密式冷凝装置,拟安装在空调室内,通常安装在窗户内或前面,或安装在墙壁或横梁内。1.3本标准不包括水冷式组件、独立式商店或办公室式空调、风冷式住宅空调、永久连接空调、与中央供暖系统一起安装的装置,或完全安装在室外的空调设备。
This PDF includes Amd #1-#3.1. Scope1.1This Standard applies to cord-connected room air conditioners rated not more than 250 volts, single phase, with a rated capacity not over 36,000 Btu/hr, designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.1.2This Standard applies to self-contained air-cooled window, o r console or built-in-wall type room air conditioners, which have hermetic-type condensing units and which are intended to be installed in the conditioned room, usually in or in front of a window, or in a wall or transom.1.3This Standard does not cover water-cooled assemblies, self- contained store, or office-type air conditioners, air-cooled residential air conditioners, permanently-connected air conditioners, units intended for installation in conjunction with central heating systems, or air conditioning equipment intended to be mounted wholly outdoors.
发布单位或类别: 加拿大-加拿大标准协会