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现行 LV-17-C069
Effects of Acoustic Ceiling Units on the Cooling Performance of Thermally Activated Building Systems (TABS) 声学天花板单元对热激活建筑系统冷却性能的影响(TABS)
欧洲的建筑存量约占总能源使用量的40%,因此需要减少建筑的一次能源使用,以实现欧盟2020年的能源目标。高温冷却和低温加热系统,以及热激活建筑系统(TABS),已被证明是为建筑提供最佳室内热环境的节能解决方案。这种解决方案利用建筑物的结构来储存热量,减少一次能源的使用。标签要求活动(加热或冷却)表面尽可能暴露于室内,但暴露裸露的混凝土表面将对室内空间的声学质量产生越来越小的影响。声学解决方案能够提供最佳的声学舒适性,同时允许标签和房间之间的热交换是可取的。本研究量化了两种类型的自由悬挂天花板吸收器(水平和垂直)对耳片冷却性能的影响,以及这对乘员热舒适性的影响。 测量是在全尺寸TABS测试设施中进行的。结果表明,当43%的天花板区域在距活动表面300 mm(0.98 ft)处被自由悬挂的水平吸声器覆盖时,吸声板排出的热量减少了11%。最高覆盖率为60%,降幅为23%。对于具有同等吸声水平的垂直吸声器,凸耳吸收的热量减少不太明显。垂直吸声器(水平吸声器的等效吸声水平达到60%的覆盖率)的吸声片散热量减少了12%。垂直吸声器的这一降幅为13%(水平吸声器的等效吸声水平为80%的覆盖率)。引文:2017年冬季会议,内华达州拉斯维加斯,会议论文
Europe, with a building stock responsible for about 40% of the total energy use, needs to reduce the primary energy use in buildings in order to meet the 2020 energy targets of the European Union. High temperature cooling and low temperature heating systems, and as an example, Thermally Activated Building Systems (TABS), have proven to be an energy efficient solution to provide buildings with an optimal indoor thermal environment. This solution uses the structure of the building to store heat and decrease the primary energy use.TABS require the active (heated or cooled) surfaces to be as exposed as possible to the room, but exposing bare concrete surfaces will have a diminishing effect on the acoustic qualities of indoor spaces. Acoustic solutions capable of providing optimal acoustic comfort while allowing the heat exchange between the TABS and the room are desirable. This study quantifies the effects of two types of free hanging ceiling absorbers (horizontal and vertical) on the cooling performance of the TABS and the implications this has on the occupant thermal comfort. The measurements were carried out in a full-scale TABS test facility.The results show a reduction of 11% of the heat removed by the TABS when 43% of the ceiling area was covered with free hanging horizontal sound absorbers at 300 mm (0.98 ft) from the active surface. This reduction was 23% for a ceiling coverage ratio of 60%. The decrease in heat absorbed by the TABS is less pronounced in the case of vertical sound absorbers for equivalent levels of sound absorption. A reduction of 12% of the heat removed by the TABS has been measured for vertical sound absorbers (equivalent sound absorption levels to 60% coverage ratio with horizontal sound absorbers). This reduction was of 13% for vertical sound absorbers (equivalent sound absorption levels to 80% coverage ratio with horizontal sound absorbers).
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类