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现行 NASA NASA-STD-10002 Baseline
NASA Facilities Design Standard (2021-04-29) NASA设施设计标准(2021-04-29)
发布日期: 2021-04-29
忙碌的本NASA技术标准旨在涵盖NASA开展的所有建筑设计活动,包括涉及建筑物、构筑物、公用设施或建筑子系统(如消防和安保)的新建、维修、改造、升级、翻新或拆除的所有任务。这些包括但不限于以下内容:a.用于办公室或实验室研究的建筑物;b、 专门结构,如风洞、电弧喷射机、试验台、机库和发射台;c、 公用设施系统,包括电气、通信、供水、下水道、雨水沟、天然气、高压配水、蒸汽和压缩空气系统;d、 消防系统,包括灭火系统和生命安全报警子系统; 安第斯。安全访问系统和入侵检测系统(IDS)、闭路电视(CCTV)系统、数据系统和物理安全系统,包括安全围栏、物理安全屏障、所有门和其他影响NASA资产物理安全的系统。公共访问。弗雷德。
Active. This NASA Technical Standard is intended to cover essentially all construction design activities undertaken by NASA, encompassing all tasks that involve new construction, repair, alteration, upgrade, and renovation or demolition of buildings, structures, utilities, or building subsystems (e.g., fire protection and security). These include, but are not limited to, the following:a. Buildings used for offices or laboratory research;b. Specialized structures such as wind tunnels, arc jets, test stands, hangars, and launch pads;c. Utility systems, including electrical, communications, water, sewer, storm drains, natural gas, high-pressure water distribution, steam, and compressed air systems;d. Fire protection systems, including fire suppression systems and life safety alarm subsystems; ande. Security access systems and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, data systems, and physical security systems, including security fences, physical security barriers, all doors, and other systems that impact the physical security of NASA assets.Public access. FRED.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国宇航局