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现行 AWWA JAW49197
Journal AWWA - Medium-Pressure UV for Oocyst Inactivation AWWA期刊-用于卵囊失活的中压紫外线
发布日期: 1999-03-01
在实验室规模上,使用准直光束装置和示范规模上使用紫外线反应器,研究了中压紫外线(UV)对成品饮用水中微小隐孢子虫卵囊的灭活作用。在体外(使用4',6-二氨基-2-苯基吲哚和碘化丙啶,并在体外最大化脱囊)和体内(使用新生小鼠感染性试验)评估卵囊活力。体内实验研究表明,在低至41 mJ cm-2的紫外线剂量下,> 4-log失活,尽管体外替代试验表明,在该剂量或更高的紫外线剂量下很少或没有失活。体外试验表明,卵囊存活率大大高估了在易感宿主中预防卵囊感染所需的紫外线剂量。 在国家卫生基金会和美国环境保护署的环境技术验证计划下进行的示范研究结果与实验室规模的结果一致,表明UV剂量低至19 MJ CM-2提供了3.9对数失活隐孢子虫卵囊。包括15个参考文献、表格和图表。
Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in finished drinking water by medium-pressure ultraviolet (UV) light was investigated at bench scale using a collimated beam apparatus and at demonstration scale using a UV reactor. Oocyst viability was assessed in vitro (using 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole with propidium iodide and maximized in vitro excystation) and in vivo (using neonatal mouse infectivity assays). In vivo bench-scale studies showed > 4-log inactivation at UV dosages as low as 41 mJ cm-2, although in vitro surrogate assays showed little or no inactivation at this or higher UV dosages. The in vitro assays, which indicate oocyst viability, grossly overestimated the UV dosages required to prevent oocyst infection in susceptible hosts. Results of demonstration studies, carried out under the Environmental Technology Verification program of the National Sanitation Foundation and the US Environmental Protection Agency, agreed with the bench-scale results and showed that a UV dosage as low as 19 mJ cm-2 provided 3.9-log inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Includes 15 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会