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现行 SAE AIR1871C
Lessons Learned from Developing, Implementing, and Operating a Health Management System for Propulsion and Drive Train Systems 从开发 实施和运行推进和传动系统健康管理系统的经验教训
发布日期: 2011-01-03
SAE航空航天信息报告AIR1871为推进发动机和传动系系统的各种健康监测系统的开发、实施和运行中吸取的经验教训提供了宝贵的见解。本文件概述了军事和商业项目的地基系统、油污监测系统、润滑系统以及健康和使用监测系统(HUMS)的经验教训。对于每个案例研究,本文档提供了简要的技术描述、设计要求、成就、经验教训和未来建议。 本文件中介绍的经验教训代表了在开发和实施推进健康管理系统时通过经验获得的知识片段。本文档的以前版本包含了在20世纪80年代和90年代学到的其他经验教训,这些经验教训可能对读者有额外的价值。随着技术的进步,本文件将得到维护,以便行业成员可以从他人的经验教训中受益。
SAE Aerospace Information Report AIR1871 provides valuable insight into lessons learned in the development, implementation, and operation of various health monitoring systems for propulsion engines and drive train systems. This document provides an overview of the lessons learned for ground-based systems, oil debris monitoring systems, lubrication systems, and Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) for military and commercial programs. For each case study, this document presents a brief technical description, the design requirements, accomplishments, lessons learned, and future recommendations. The lessons learned presented in this document represent a fragment of the knowledge gained through experience when developing and implementing a propulsion health management system. Previous versions of this document contain additional lessons learned during the 1980’s and 1990’s that may be of additional value to the reader. This document will be maintained as technology progresses so that industry members may benefit from the lessons learned of others.
归口单位: AEROC