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现行 AWWA INF52156
A Comprehensive Infrastructure Master Plan: Case of the Portland Water Supply System 综合基础设施总体规划:波特兰供水系统案例
发布日期: 2000-01-01
波特兰市水务局(局)提供了生活用水 自1895年以来,波特兰地区的居民。它是国内最大的供应商 俄勒冈州的水资源,为近84万人提供零售和批发用水 人该局在执行任务时面临着各种各样的挑战和不确定性 进入新千年。这些不确定性来自三个主要原因 资料来源:当前的联邦监管要求和未来可能的变化 影响水质标准、处理和《濒危物种法》 (欧空局);当前和潜在批发客户关于是否 从波特兰或其他地方获得供应;以及关于在哪里获得的决定 未来的额外供应,以及地下水是否将是基本组成部分 未来供应的一部分,或仅为紧急情况保留。而地区 1996年完成的供水计划(RWSP)为该局提供了 对于供水系统的区域愿景,它没有具体说明各个供水系统 供应商将实现这一愿景,或者传输和主要存储将如何实现 被处理。此外,RWSP没有调查每个区域供应商的情况 为了将其现有系统保持在高水平 可靠性以RWSP为参考,该局开展了自己的工作 基础设施总体规划努力发展一个长期的、综合的 解决将对系统产生重大影响的关键问题的方法 接下来的50年。本文介绍了基础设施总体规划(IMP) 它探索了这些挑战,并列出了应对这些挑战的备选方案 在接下来的50年里。IMP也将由水务局使用 指导其资本改善计划(CIP)满足供水系统的需求 通过确定新项目和 确认之前确定的其他项目的需求。包括4个参考文献、表格和图表。
The City of Portland's Bureau of Water Works (Bureau) has supplied domestic water to Portland-area residents since 1895. It is the largest supplier of domestic water in Oregon and supplies both retail and wholesale water to nearly 840,000 people. The Bureau faces a wide variety of challenges and uncertainties as it enters the new millennium. These uncertainties arise from three principal sources: current federal regulatory requirements and potential future changes that affect water quality standards, treatment, and the Endangered Species Act (ESA); decisions by current and potential wholesale customers about whether to obtain supply from Portland or elsewhere; and, decisions about where to obtain additional supply in the future and whether groundwater will be a basic component of the future supply or will be reserved only for emergencies. While the Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP), completed in 1996, has provided the Bureau with a regional vision for the supply system, it did not specify how individual water suppliers would implement that vision or how transmission and major storage would be handled. In addition, the RWSP did not investigate what each regional supplier would need to do in order to maintain its existing system at a high level of reliability. With the RWSP as its reference, the Bureau undertook its own infrastructure master planning effort to develop a long-range, integrated approach to resolving the key issues that will materially affect the system over the next 50 years. This paper describes the Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) which explores these challenges and charts alternative courses to meeting them during the next 50 years. The IMP is also intended to be used by the Water Bureau to guide its Capital Improvement Program (CIP) towards meeting the water system's short-term needs over the CIP's 10-year term by both identifying new projects and confirming the need for other previously identified projects. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会