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现行 AWWA ACE63187
Simultaneous Destruction of Multiple Drinking Water Contaminants Using Biological Filtration 利用生物过滤同时销毁多种饮用水污染物
发布日期: 2006-06-01
本幻灯片介绍了生物饮用水处理, 试点示范案例 研究,以及 全面发展的考虑因素 实施生物饮用水处理概述的主题包括:一般处理工艺概述;微生物介导的氧化还原反应;固定床生物反应器;生物膜;生物膜概念模型。概述了三个试点示范案例研究,包括:卡斯泰克湖水务局处理索格斯含水层中受高氯酸盐污染的地下水;复合砷/高氯酸盐 清除和残余物处理 通过电渗析逆转+ 犹他州麦格纳水区的BIOBROx;佛罗里达州海牛县的基质强化生物过滤。演示文稿的第三部分概述了全文的考虑事项- 规模化实施,包括:设备;操作参数;经营策略;以及安全系数和可靠性特征。包括数字。
This slide presentation outlines biological drinking water treatment, pilot-scale demonstration case studies, and considerations for full-scale implementation. Topics outlined under biological drinking water treatment include: general treatment process summary; microbially-mediated redox reactions; fixed-bed bioreactor; biofilms; and, conceptual biofilm model. Three pilot-scale demonstration case studies are outlined and include: treatment of perchlorate contaminated groundwater from the Saugus Aquifer at the Castaic Lake Water Agency; combined arsenic/perchlorate removal and residuals treatment by electrodialysis reversal + BIOBROx at the Magna Water District, Utah; and, substrate-enhanced biofiltration in Manatee County, Florida. The third part of the presentation outlines considerations for full- scale implementation and includes: equipment; operating parameters; operating strategies; and, safety factors and reliability features. Includes figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会