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现行 AT-2479
Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption in Winter Conditions--A New Experimental Approach 冬季热舒适与能耗——一种新的实验方法
本研究旨在更好地了解控制热舒适性的条件,以及住宅中不同供暖系统产生的能耗。全球热舒适性的预测相对来说是众所周知的。人们可以很容易地评估房间(1)占用区域不同点的预测平均投票数(PMV)和相应的预测不满意百分比(PPD)。然而,这种全球分析可能还不够;也存在cer。t由于表面温度不均匀(冷壁和辐射热源的影响)以及特定冷空气流(沿冷壁的自然对流和空气渗透),存在局部不适的风险。不幸的是,局部不适的定义不准确; 只有一些实验结果是可用的,不可能是泛化的(2)(3)(4)。最后,通过传输和通风对热损失的评估仍然不够精确。目前的计算方法没有考虑所使用的供暖系统,尤其是房间内的实际空气循环(5)。在列日大学的气候室中研究了不同的供暖系统、隔热和空气渗透的组合。为了分析每种情况下的内部小气候和相应的热损失(6)(7),已经进行了大约一百次试验。与舒适度相关的结果分析将由另一项实验研究进行补充,将受试者置于气候室(8)。 引文:阿什雷学报,第84卷,第一部分,佐治亚州亚特兰大
This study is meant to provide a better knowledge of the conditions governing thermal comfort and of the energy consumption resulting form different heating systems in dwelling rooms.The prediction of the global thermal comfort is relatively well known. One can easily assess the Predicted Mean Votes (PMV) and the corresponding Predicted Percentages of Dissatisfied (PPD) at the different points of the occupied zone of a room (1). However, this global analysis is probably not sufficient; there also exist cer.tain risks of local discomfort due to the lack of uniformity of surface temperatures (effect of the cold wall and of the radiant heating sources) and also due to a certain cold air flow (natural convection along cold walls and air infiltration). Unfortunately the local discomfort is inaccurately defined; only some experimental results are available and cannot be a matter of generalization (2)(3)(4).Lastly, the assessment of heat losses by transmission and ventilation is still insufficiently precise. The present calculating methods do not take account of the heating system used and, in particular, of the real air circulation inside of a room (5).Different combinations of heating systems, insulation and air infiltration have been studied in a climatic room at the University of Liege.Some hundred tests have been performed in order to analyse in each case the inside microclimate and the corresponding heat losses (6)(7). The analysis of the results relating to comfort will be supplemented by another experimental study with subjects placed in the climatic room (8).
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类