Statistical methods in process management — Capability and performance — Part 3: Machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts
过程管理中的统计方法 - 能力和性能 - 第3部分:离散零件测量数据的机械性能研究
This document describes the steps for conducting short-term performance studies that are typically performed on machines (including devices, appliances, apparatuses) where parts produced consecutively under repeatability conditions are considered. The number of observations to be analysed vary according to the patterns the data produce, or if the runs (the rate at which items are produced) on the machine are low in quantity. The methods are not considered suitable where the sample size produced is less than 30 observations. Methods for handling the data and carrying out the calculations are described. In addition, machine performance indices and the actions required at the conclusion of a machine performance study are described.
This document is not applicable when tool wear patterns are expected to be present during the duration of the study, nor if autocorrelation between observations is present. The situation where a machine has captured the data, sometimes thousands of data points collected in a minute, is not considered suitable for the application of this document.